VOOV®systems : luxury noise | audio releases | events

VOOV refers to a grounded state of mind and disassociates himself from all hippie-esque and esoteric activities that are mistakenly associated with the artist name.
soon : VOOV® systems presents FrameWork St.X plus @ H4MM Berlin Sept 2023 Details t.b.a
recent VOOV® events:
2023 Sonic Performances @ 112.5BPM exhib feat. hÄK, Mieko Sozuki, Kathrina Bevand, Sofia Borges, VOOV
2023 112.5BPM HUMATIC co.llabs events & exhibition
2022 March “Involvements” work ensemble @ H4MM
2022 June Steel & Skin and the Proximity . Movie Preview and Live Concerts : Audrey Chen Duo, Eduardo Delgado Lopez Trio, hÄK solo
2022 CSSE 2 Collaborative Stream Scape Event. (funded by musikfonds e.v)
2021 CSSE1 Collaborative Stream Scape Event
2020 Panana Pioneer 16 channel Live Concert at National Museum of Fine Arts Taichung Taiwan
2019 Dec Violation of Ordinary Values Live AV VOOV & DJ JONZON
2019 Founding of the AV Label label.humatic.net
2010-23 H_RP Humatic Re-Performances various installations and live events
latest productions : label.humatic.net
earlier productions :
2018/19 : Musik Table a commissioned work for experimenta Science Center Heilbronn Germany.
LHX laserharp by Humatic (2015);
EuroVision (2016) , & Space Accident (2015) linear movie & sound installations. MNM (2013) MindBox (2010) and many more. see http://www.humatic.de/cv/cg.html
VOOV YOUR BODY limited edition album (1999)
Jobs : composition & sound design, media and exhibition projects * ad soundtracks & sound logos for all kind of institutions & companies. I.e. Coke USA, Deutsche Bahn, DaimlerChrysler, Telekom, VW-Autostadt. agencies: i.e. Bomb Factory LA, Velvet, GroupIE, Humatic, Ogilvy, Leonhardt Multimedia. * music video clips. * consulting & coordination: av production & special fx, new media in theatre / dance & scenography * timebased & interactive projects for HumaticGmbH. *
CD & vinyl releases: u.a: BOOM-operators: HU-man & No Excuses, * VOOV-Delkom Force: Generate/Eliminate RoughTrade, * VOOV: User, Gas, X-tra Power & Enjoinment. * (co)-productions & remixes: for Stein, Masa(Tokyo), Cosmic Baby, Paul van Dyk, Futurhythm & many more * film soundtracks u.a. Deutschfieber, R: Niklaus Schilling und KafkaFragMent, R: Christian Frosch. * TV tingles u.a. für VIVA TV, DeutscheWelleTV, Premiere. *
music video clips: VOOV has produced several video clips for his own tracks and some of them comissioned by record labels .
Step by step we will complete this website with information concerning the following subjects:
partners/collaborators : Christian Wilmes, Nico Aimar, Johannes Buenemann, Nils Peters, Klaus Petersen, Patrick Peters, Jan Tilmann Schade, Alex Herzog. Elke DeBoer and more.
More productions and co-Productions:.......Mesrine (Berlin) & EasyBe ...........Marian Gold (Alphaville),.... .........Tanzwut, Paul Browse, Diamanda Galas, Caspar Brötzmann, Hanns Joachim Mennicken, Kiev Stingl, Gabi Delgado, Saba Komossa, .....Katharina Franke & Ulrike Haage , Rainbirds..............Robert Görl (remix on VOOV xtra power & enjoinment), ........FMEinheit.........Chrislo Haas +......DJ Jonzon....Gudrun Gut.......Martin Rushent.......John Caffrey................... Andreas Schwarz -Ruszczynski, Jayney Klimek, Kiddy Citny,
* Radiohörspiel Absturz........WDR.......................Filmmusik: Nicht Nur Wasser von Rotraut Pape, Die Totale Therapie von Christian Frosch..........Theatermusik: Die Perser for Blixa Bargeld. .....Sladek und die schwarze Armee ........Frühlingserwachen, Wedekind...... , Turner & Tailor, music documentation movies, i.e. Lost in Musik, Arte/ ZDF, TV sound mixing, VJ ing, .visioneering ***Filmmischung , Dolby Surround, Avid , Logic Audio***.neues Album: Knäckebrot &Schwarze Schafe***voovligan vs voovaholic abuse.............stimulance.......motivation.......art. Club Automatique & Automatic Clubbing.... ....commerce.....Verrat......Beschiss.........Divas......... nie Feierabend........nie McDonalds.......wenig Schlafen....Hör Dir das Zeug doch an!. Eastwest, Universal Music, Mfs ; RoughTrade Deutschland, EMI, Atlantic USA. Sony Music Box. * VOOV-tracks on Compilations : Tresor /Mute :Auferstanden aus Ruinen.
basics, statements & strategies.driven by passion -corrupted by random..... amplify your emptyness.. the true and only VOOV experience.
Nils Peters xmmc, V3, telematique, Joao Pais, Norbert Schnell, IRCAM, Mieko Suzuki, Ming Poon, Roberto Zappala, hÄK, Olivier Pasquet, FM Einheit,Milo Rau, Luke Bennett, Manfred Krüger, Max Krüger, Gwendaline Bachini, Todor Todoroff, Mirko Borscht, Milo Rau / Simone Eisenring & more.
Christian Graupner aka VOOV..studied graphics arts & drawing at Jürgen Brodwolf and taught himself music and media skills.Guest lectures at the HGKZ Zurich, FH Potsdam & Hannover design schools, Merz-Akademie & more.